What We Do

Boston Bridge is a membership-based, non-profit, professional development organization that aims to bring together individuals who work in the field of aging. Our organization's members are students, early-career professionals, and established leaders from various industries. Through monthly meetings with guest speakers, a mentorship program, career assistance, and networking opportunities, Boston Bridge connects professionals with shared interests in the field of aging.


Networking and opportunities to meet new and interesting like-minded professionals happen either formally or informally at Boston Bridge. There is always an informal gathering with a light dinner prior to the start of our meetings; there is ample sharing of ideas, announcements, and discussions during the meetings; and, lots of networking after as well. Additionally, all members have access to our member directory to continue building their professional connections.


The changing demographics of our society supports the need for more professionals to be trained and become passionate about working with older adults. Mentoring helps advance this goal. The mentorship program matches Boston Bridge members with established professionals in the member’s particular area of interest.


Boston Bridge meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6:00 – 8:00 pm from September to May. During these meetings, established professionals, leaders in the field of aging, and speakers share their expertise. There is also ample time for discussion, sharing of ideas, and networking promotes professional growth and career prospects. Contact us if you are interested in learning more about our monthly meetings!


In an effort to promote the great need for innovation and education within the field of aging as well as responding to inquiries for similar organizations, we have developed “Boston Bridge Replication Manual – Professional Development for Emerging Leaders in the Field of Aging“. It is our desire to share what we have learned with others, furthering our mission of inspiring and invigorating connected, passionate, and informed professionals to be part of the transformation of an aging America.